Rita Jenrette has been crowned as Princess Rita
In a surprising turn of events, former American model and actress Rita Jenrette has been crowned as Princess Rita Jenrette Boncompagni Ludovisi — formerly Rita Carpenter, the former wife of Republican US Rep. John Jenrette, The news has left many wondering how a former Playboy model

from Texas/ South Carolina could become royalty, but it seems that anything is possible in the world of fairy tales.
According to sources close to the palace, Princess Rita’s journey to royalty began when she met her prince charming on a trip to Europe. The two fell in love and tied the knot in a lavish ceremony, complete with all the bells and whistles that one would expect from a royal wedding.
Of course, not everyone is taking the news seriously. Some of Princess Rita’s old friends back in South Carolina are having a hard time imagining their former Playmate pal as a princess. “Well, I guess anything is possible,” quipped one local resident, “but it’s hard to imagine Rita wearing a tiara instead of a bikini.”
Despite the skepticism from some quarters, Princess Rita seems to be taking her new role in stride. She has reportedly been busy studying up on royal protocol and has been seen sporting a regal wardrobe that would make any fashionista jealous.

Only time will tell what adventures await Princess Rita as she navigates her new life as royalty. But one thing’s for sure: her journey from South Carolina to the palace is a story that will go down in history as one of the most unexpected and entertaining fairy tales of all time.

It’s worth noting that Princess Rita’s path to the throne hasn’t always been smooth sailing. Many will remember her from the scandal that erupted in the 1980s when she was married to former U.S. Congressman John Jenrette.
But Princess Rita seems to have put her past behind her and has fully embraced her new role as a member of the royal family. Unfortunately, not everything has been a fairy tale ending for the princess. In recent news, she has been evicted from her palace residence due to a dispute over ownership of a famous piece of artwork. Built in 1570, the villa has been owned since 1621 by the noble Ludovisi family whose descendants include Popes Gregory XIII – who introduced the Gregorian calendar – and Gregory XV. The six-story building expanded in 1858, was used originally as the family’s hunting lodge.

It’s not clear exactly what the future holds for Princess Rita, but one thing is certain: she has always been a survivor and isn’t afraid to face adversity head-on. Perhaps she’ll write another chapter in her fairy tale story with a new adventure and a new prince by her side.