
Cheat Sheet Baofeng 


Commonly Used Menu Items

0SQLRF Squelch
2TXPTransmit power (Tap # to temporarily change power)
11R-CTCSReceive CTCSS (PL)
13T-CTCSTransmit CTCSS (PL)
25SFT-DRepeater Shift Direction
26OFFESTRepeater Offset (MHz)
27MEM-CHSave to memory channel
28DEL-CHDelete memory channel

WTF Menu Items

7TDRDual watch (monitor A and B at same time). May change the transmit side – be careful with TDR-AB setting*
34TDR-ABSide for transmit after receiving a signal when TDR is on
9TOTLimit transmission time to xx seconds
14VOICEVoice confirmation of keypresses/menu selections. Choice of English, Chinese, or OFF
15ANI-IDA coded signal that is sent when an “alarm” is activated. You probably don’t need this.
17S-CODESends a DTMF code on transmit/end of transmit
19PTT-IDActivates the DTMF code on transmit/end of transmit. Best left OFF.
20PTT-LTDelay before sending PTT-ID
23BCLBusy channel lockout – prevents transmitting when a channel is busy. (What is “busy”?)
32AL-MODAlarm mode.
35STESquelch Tail Elimination – squelches tail noise in simplex.
36RP-STESquelch Tail Elimination Repeater – squelches tail noise from a repeater (i.e., the courtesy tone)
37RPT-RLSquelch Tail Delay.
39ROGERSends an end-of-transmission tone after PTT release. Turn this OFF or you’ll annoy people quick.
40RESETResets all settings and erases memories.

Based on a PDF from Jon Perelstein WB2RYV

Programming Guide

Here is a great guide to how to manually program the Baofeng UV-5R, copied below.

How to manually program a simplex channel

  • Step 1. Press [VFO/MR] and enter Frequency Mode.
  • Step 2. Press [A/B] and choose the A Side (upper display).
    The A side must be used to program channels into the radio. Programming data entered on the B Side (lower display) will not be saved.
  • Step 3. Press [BAND] for the frequency band.
    Toggle [BAND] to choose 136 MHz (VHF) or 470 MHz (UHF).
    If the incorrect band is chosen for the frequency entered in Step 5, the radio will cancel the operation.
  • Step 4. Disable TDR (Dual Watch/Dual Standby).
    Press [MENU] 7 [MENU] [press up/down arrow keys] OFF [MENU] [EXIT]
    It is highly advised to turn TDR off when programming directly from the radio.
  • Step 5. Enter the frequency.
    Use the keypad to enter the frequency into the radio.
  • Step 6. optional – Enter the transmit CTCSS/DCS code.
    • CTCSS – [MENU] 13 [MENU] [enter/choose code XXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
    • DCS – [MENU] 12 [MENU] [choose code XXXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 7. Assign the frequency to a channel.
    [MENU] 27 [MENU] [enter channel number XXX] [MENU] [EXIT]

How to manually program a repeater channel

  • Step 1. Press [VFO/MR] and enter Frequency Mode.
  • Step 2. Press [A/B] and choose the A Side (upper display).
    Like the simplex channels, the A side must be used to program the repeater channels into the radio. Programming data entered on the B Side (lower display) will not be saved.
  • Step 3. Press [BAND] for the frequency band
    Toggle [BAND] to choose 136 MHz (VHF) or 470 MHz (UHF).
    If the incorrect band is chosen for the frequency entered in Step 6, the radio will cancel the operation.
  • Step 4. optional – Clear any CTCSS/DCS codes previously assigned to the channel.
    If no previous codes exist or when setting up the channel for the first time and no codes are needed, set the menu items listed below to OFF.
    • RX DCS – [MENU] 10 [MENU] [enter 0 (OFF)] [MENU] [EXIT]
    • RX CTCSS – [MENU] 11 [MENU] [enter 0 (OFF)] [MENU] [EXIT]
    • TX DCS – [MENU] 12 [MENU] [enter 0 (OFF)] [MENU] [EXIT]
    • TX CTCSS – [MENU] 13 [MENU] [enter 0 (OFF)] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 5. Disable TDR (DualWatch/Dual Standby).
    Press [MENU] 7 [MENU] [press up/down arrow keys] OFF [MENU] [EXIT]
    It is highly advised to turn TDR off when programming directly from the radio.
  • Step 6. optional – Delete any existing data on the channel to program.
    Skip this step when setting up the channel for the first time. Press [MENU] 28 [press up/down arrow keys to choose channel number] [MENU] [EXIT]
    It is highly advised to turn TDR off when programming directly from the radio.
  • Step 7. Enter the frequency.
    Use the keypad to enter the frequency into the radio.
  • Step 8. Input the repeater frequency offset.
    Press [MENU] 26 [MENU] [enter the offset for 2 meter or 70 cm repeater] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 9. Enter the Transmit Frequency Shift.
    Press [MENU] 25 [MENU] [enter 1 for positive shift or 2 for negative shift] [MENU][EXIT]
  • Step 10. optional – Enter the transmit CTCSS/DCS code.
    • CTCSS – [MENU] 13 [MENU] [enter/choose code XXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
    • DCS – [MENU] 12 [MENU] [choose code XXXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 11. Enter the repeater output frequency.
    Use the keypad to enter the frequency into the radio.
  • Step 12. Assign the receive frequency to the same channel in Step 6.
    [MENU] 27 [MENU] [enter channel number XXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 13. Press the [*Scan] button to activate Reverse Mode and display the transmit frequency.
  • Step 14. Assign the transmit frequency to the channel.
    Press [MENU] 27 [MENU] [enter the same memory channel in step 27] [MENU] [EXIT]
  • Step 15. Press the [*Scan] button to exit .

Turn ON/OFF and Adjust volume: turn knob on top
Turn off dual monitor mode: MENU-7-MENU-0-MENU-EXIT
Change Power Level: MENU-2-MENU-0 (1 for low)-MENU-EXIT
Lock Keypad: Press and hold LOCK, repeat to unlock
Memory Recall (Memory mode) and VFO mode: the VFO/MR
button toggles between frequency mode and memory
Change Frequency:
 In memory mode, use buttons
 In VFO mode, press six number buttons
Change Band: BAND, repeat until desired band
Turn off Repeater Offset: MENU-2-5-MENU-0 (1 for + / 2 for – ) –
Reverse Repeater Input and Output: SCAN/REV toggles, repeat to
 Note: Repeater offsets for two meters are typically
negative below 147 MHz and positive for 147 MHZ and
For 70 cm, offsets are positive below 445 MHz, and
negative above 445 MHz
Program a memory channel:
(Note: You cannot overwrite a memory channel. If the channel
name in the display is CH-NNN it means there is programming in
place for channel NNN; if it merely says NNN, then the channel has
not been programmed and you may safely enter any new receiving
and transmitting frequencies, etc. See Delete a Memory Channel
In VFO mode (toggle VFO/MR)
 Select the VFO-A mode (toggle the A/B button) Look for the
 arrow in the top line in the display. Everything relies on
this step !!
 Select desired band: Band repeat to desired band
 Enter desired frequency: six digits on number pad
 Enter offset frequency: MENU-2-6-MENU-00.600 for 2M
(144-158 MHz) 05.000 for 70 cm band (420-450 MHz)-
MENU-EXIT (delete this step for simplex)
 Enter offset direction: MENU-2-5-MENU-0 for simplex
(1 for + /2 for – )-MENU-EXIT
 Set CTCSS Tone: MENU-1-3-MENU-(enter tone frequency
on number pad- no decimal needed) – MENU-EXIT
 Save receive frequency in memory: MENU-2-7-MENU-enter
memory channel on number pad -MENU-EXIT
 Save Transmit frequency in memory:- SCAN/REV -MENU-2-
7-MENU-(enter same memory channel number on number
To access the memorized channel, remember to return to memory
mode from VFO mode by once again toggling VFO/MR
Delete a memory channel: MENU-2-8-MENU-(channel number to
be deleted) – MENU-EXIT